exhibition cv contact works
exhibition cv contact works



Portraits #01  2010
video installation
Aichi ART no Mori / installation view at Toyo Logistics Tenant building






Portraits #03  2010
3channel video installation
LCD screen, video




Portraits of mirrors  2010
video, hand mirror, others
The Contemporary Paintings through the Curator's Eye / Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, 2012
Photo: OMOTE Nobutada






Portraits - Kaoru Otsuki-  2014
伸延的地平线—2014日本当代艺术展 / 53museum, Guangzhou・China


The copyright in these pictures and captions etc, are owened by Nobuyuki OSAKI.
No part of these works may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Nobuyuki OSAKI