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"water drawing-stardust-"

water drawing -stardust-  2007-08/ 2015

video installation
CONSTELLATIONS / Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, 2015
Photo: Ken Kato




The starry sky I looked up at during my school days was a lot different from the sky above the city - I could see the stars too well.
When you go to a place where there are many stars, you can actually see too much, too well. As I didn't know much about constellations, I often got confused, unable to make anything out of the stars. I guess I was able to spot the most obvious constellations, but the minute I turned my eyes away, I got lost and couldn't connect the lesser-known together. The video work water drawing shows drawings being torn apart by the surface tension of water and melting away. The illustrated images, which are reduced once again to unstable elements, question the uncertainties of this world. With the work stardust, which takes constellations as its motif, I aimed for the kind of expression that would deconstruct the images defined by "constellations" into their state as stars, or mere "specks of light", and raise alternative possibilities. By taking the "constellations" and turning them into "stardust", as the title suggests, I might be able to give birth to new "stardust". After all, our world is filled with "specks of light".

本当に星が沢山見えるところでは見えすぎて、あまり星座に詳しくない僕は何がなんだかわからなくなってしまう。よく知られた星座は見つけられるけれど、そうでもない星座は目を離した次の瞬間、繋ぐ事が出来なくなってしまった。「water drawing」の映像作品は、描かれたドローイングが水の表面張力によって引き裂かれて溶けていく様子を撮影した作品です。描かれたイメージが、再び拠り所の無いモノへと還元していくかのようにこの世界の不確かさを問いかけています。「stardust」は星座をモチーフにした作品ですが、「星」という単なる光の点から「星座」となったイメージを解体し、別の可能性を示唆する、そのような在り方を表現したものでした。描かれた「星座」がタイトル通り「星屑(stardust)」になることで新しい「星座」が生まれるかもしれない。私たちの世界は「光の点」で溢れているのだから。


water drawing(photo) -stardust -  2007
65×100cm, photograph





water drawing(photo) -stardust -  2007
65×100cm, photograph





water drawing(photo) -stardust -  2007
65×100cm, photograph





water drawing -phantom -  2009
video installation




water drawing(photo) -Phantom-0902-  2009
133×200cm, photograph




water drawing(photo) -Phantom-0801  2008
90×125cm, photograph




water drawing(photo)-Phantom-0802  2008
90×125cm, photograph




water drawing (Monotype) -Phantom-  2009
48.5x 46cm (1 piece), monotype print of water pen, watercolor,sequins,beads on paper




water drawing 0601 / 0602 2005-06
2channel video installation
Installation view at -Dream of dreaming- GALLERY RAKU (Kyoto University of Art and Design)


The copyright in these pictures and captions etc, are owened by Nobuyuki OSAKI.
No part of these works may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Nobuyuki OSAKI