exhibition cv contact works
exhibition cv contact works



"skin hole project"

My Production Method: A Study Concerning the Interface "Skin"

Perhaps we should ask ourselves how the world we live in would look if we were to look at it from an objective point of view. For instance, how do the information and sensations we receive from the external world exist within us before they are fixed in our minds as memories and recognitions? What is "pure sensation" like, which our bodies receive from the external world? Needless to say, it is almost impossible for us to even imagine or think about those states. Since our actions of "looking" and "feeling" can never escape being bound by "recognition", which is controlled by subjectivity.

Therefore, I also aimed to create a type of device (of course, this should be seen in a symbolic sense) that can purely take in the world at the point at which the body comes in contact with it; that is, a device that can take in a form before it changes to memory, without undergoing the "imagining" and "thinking" processes. My mind was strictly set on manifesting before one's eyes the existence that simply and purely reflects "eternal". My work entitled "skin hole - skin sense" is a life-sized camera obscura; my body acts as the model. On various parts of the surface, I opened holes to resemble pores, which functioned as pinhole lenses. Utilizing the basic principle of camera obscura, this work attempted to fix the external world that is projected on the inside onto film and photographic paper.

Needless to say, whether or not there ever existed a photographic conductor, such as film, the external world would be ceaselessly projected onto the inside of "his body" in my work "skin hole - skin sense". In my view, "his body", which has escaped a subjective point of view, can act as a symbolic existence that can cast an objective point of view in between a person and the world.

(Excerpt from Catalogue of Nobuyuki OSAKI solo exhibition “Cutaneous Respiration”, 2003)



私たちが住むこの世界を客観的な視点で見ると、どのようなものになるのでしょうか? 例えば、私達が外から受ける情報や感覚が、記憶や認識に定着する前の状態とはどのようなものなのでしょうか。あるいは外部から身体に受ける「純粋な感覚」とはどのようなものなのでしょう。もちろん、そのようなものを考えたり、想像したりすることすら、私たちにはほぼ不可能です。なぜなら、私たちの「見る」あるいは「感じる」という行為は、主観の支配する「認識」の呪縛から逃れることが永遠にできないからです。
そこで私は身体が接する世界を純粋に取り入れる、つまり、想像したり考えたりすることなく、記憶に変質する前の状態で取り入れることのできる装置(もちろん、象徴的な意昧で、ですが)を制作することを試みました。ただひたすらに「外部」を純粋に写し取る存在というものを、この目の前に、ただただ現前させたかったのです。この《skin hole-skin sense》 という作品は、私自身の身体をかたどって作った等身大の暗箱の表面のいたるところに、毛穴に見立てたピンホールレンズの穴を穿ち、カメラオブスキュラの原理によって外の世界を内部に投影し、フィルムや印画紙に定着させようという試みです。

(大﨑のぶゆき「皮膚呼吸」大阪府立現代美術センター 2003年、展覧会カタログより抜粋)

"skin hole/skin sense" Project [ #01 Duesseldorf ]  2003






skin hole photograph  2003
gelatin silver prints (48 sheets)




skin hole project  2003




skin sense [ #01 Duesseldorf ]
C-print, video (11 min.)



"skin hole/skin sense" Project [ #01 Duesseldorf ]  2003
pinhole camera (the molded at artist body; fiberglass resin, metal structure),
gelatin silver prints (48 sheets), video
installation view at Kunsutraum, Duesseldorf
Solo exhibition"Between Inside and Outside"




skin hole,skin sense [#00,#01,#02]  
Installation view at Power of Printmaking, Museum of Kyoto



The copyright in these pictures and captions etc, are owened by Nobuyuki OSAKI.
No part of these works may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Nobuyuki OSAKI